7200 tpd Cane Processing to 1200 tpd Raw, White, Turbinado Sugar with 36.5 MW Cogeneration Plant
Used cane sugar factory
Event Details
7200 tpd Cane Processing to 1200 tpd Raw, White, Turbinado Sugar with 36.5 MW Cogeneration Plant
Used cane sugar factory with daily milling capacity of 7,200 tons of cane / 1,200 tons of raw sugar production. The factory has state-of-the-art technology and is controlled with a computerized control system from the crushing plant to the boiling house to the power plant. The factory is also equipped with a separate food-grade sugar processing plant to produce natural white sugar and turbinado with packaging equipment. Critical factory inventory spares parts and machinery is also available.
The power cogeneration plant is equipped with three boilers. Boiler #1 & #2 are Riley Stoker coal-fired boilers, Boiler 1 is 125 klb per hour at 900 psi and Boiler 2 is 125 klb per hour at 900 psi. Boiler 3 is a Detroit Stoker coal-fired boiler, rated at 290 klb per hour at 425 psi. The boilers provide steam to run one 20MW GE steam turbine and generator and one 16.5MW Mitsubishi steam turbine and generator. Power Plant inventory spares are also available.